速報APP / 娛樂 / Hollywood Songs

Hollywood Songs





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Hollywood Songs(圖1)-速報App

Hollywood Songs is an app designed for all hollywood songs and well categorized by Super Hit Actors, In this App you will get whole collection of hollywood songs that you wish to watch, Now no Need to move out to watch Songs,You can watch Old Time Super Hit songs on your Mobile device.

Hollywood Songs(圖2)-速報App

There are many Singers of Hollywood video songs in best user interface. It is loaded with huge collections of English Hollywood video songs with well designed user friendly interface which is very easy to play your favorite singers songs.

Hollywood Songs(圖3)-速報App

Please Share and rate us if you like this app, it will help us to provide best quality hand pick HD videos for English Song Users.

Hollywood Songs(圖4)-速報App


Hollywood Songs(圖5)-速報App

We have put together this category based on various suggestions and request. If you would like to add a new song or new category send us a request using the feedback session in the app.

Hollywood Songs(圖6)-速報App

We are not hosting any videos in our servers . It is collected and organized from various resources including youtube, dailymotion etc.

Hollywood Songs(圖7)-速報App


In case of any issue contact us at creativedevelopers04@gmail.com & share your idea's with us.


The content provided in "Hollywood Songs" application is available free on public domain. We do not host any content. We are just providing the way to stream and all content is the copyright of their respective owner.